The Select Board has a busy meeting planned this Tuesday, with the most notable agenda item the finalization of this November’s Town Meeting Warrant. One example, Article 8, is the existing cell carriers on the temporary tower at Auburn Street. A permanent home on the new water tower, is up for a vote by the Select Board to be added to the November Town Warrant.
The board will also receive an update on the town’s Economic Development Action Plan including goals around MBTA mixed use transit-oriented development, goals around 40R managed growth and policy changes, Haven streetscape improvements, eastern gateway infrastructure planning, brand and market priority development areas, supporting existing local businesses, promoting public/private partnerships, community cultural and economic development.
The board will hear a request for license approval/transfer for IRA 128 Honda. The Cultural Council will be the latest group providing an update as the Select Board aims at seeing a different board or committee at every meeting for an update. There will be discussion surrounding options for the Senior/Multi-generational center, specifically regarding the Walgreens property and the RFP results. Lastly, there will be a lot 5 Grove Street update with plans included in the packet. Town Meeting authorized the purchase of the single lot for $450k back in October 2021 by a 121-40 vote.
The meeting will take place in the Select Board meeting room at Town Hall at 7pm. The public can attend in person or watch via several options: via a broadcast on RCTV’s YouTube channel at this link or on the RCTV Government Channel (Xfinity ch 22, Verizon ch 33). The Zoom link for this meeting is: