The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released the 2022 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) scores earlier today. You can see the results for Reading, MA at the following link:
We will have more in depth coverage and analysis of the scores in the coming days but here is a brief overview.
It appears in some areas we are regaining ground lost last year, to get back to pre-pandemic levels, e.g., in gr. 6, 10 district wide. But there remain many pockets of variation between schools, summarized below. I have not had time to look at subgroup performance.
**Some standouts of discrepancies in elementary, from a quick skim:
–Barrows is lower than district avg in gr. 3 English Language Arts (ELA)
–Birch Meadow gr. 3 Math (only 38% meet or exceeded standards, which is lower than the state avg of 41% and lower than district avg of 53%)
–Killam gr. 4 and 5 are lower than rest of Reading for Math and ELA but are close to district avg in gr. 5 science
–Joshua Eaton did better than district avg everywhere but gr. 5 math but it was close
–Wood End was outstanding in gr. 5 science (84% meeting/exceeding) but is lower than district avg for Gr. 3 math/ELA and gr. 4 ELA gr. 4 only 44% meet/exceed expectations, vs 56% for rest of Reading and 38% state
**Parker continues to lag Coolidge, sometimes by a staggering degree, though they are tied in gr. 8 science:.
—Parker gr. 6 Math is 58% meeting/exceeding whereas Coolidge is 73%
—Parker gr. 7 ELA is 52% meeting/exceeding whereas Coolidge is 70%
—Parker gr. 8 Math is 47% meeting/exceeding whereas Coolidge is 70%
—Parker gr. 8 English is 57% meeting/exceeding whereas Coolidge is 67%