MEETING TONIGHT: Nov 29, 2022, 7PM: The Town of Reading will be rehabilitating the wastewater pump station at the intersection of South Street and Pine Ridge Road, at the edge of Sturges Park. The existing station will be removed, and a new station will be installed. Once the pump station is replaced it will be able to service the neighborhood more reliably. The main components of this project include, but are not limited to: Removing and replacing the wastewater pumping station
Electrical upgrades
Installation of an emergency generator with fenced enclosure
Repaving a portion of South Street
Below are site views of the existing conditions (left) and renderings of the site post-rehabilitation (right). The renderings show the control panel, enclosed emergency generator, new paving, and landscape improvements including plantings and selective tree removal (3 pine trees adjacent to the pump station site to allow for replacement of the underground wastewater pumping station). Sturges Park will remain open during construction and will be safe and secure. All construction will be fenced in.
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