The Select Board will be meeting tonight at 7:00pm in the Select Board meeting room at Town Hall. The first item on the agenda is an Executive Session: Purpose 2: Conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Selected Town Manager Candidate, Matthew Kraunelis. The board previously met and voted 4-0 on Matthew Kraunelis as Reading’s next Town Manager. After executive session tonight, there is a vote to execute an employment agreement with Matt regarding the contract.
After public comment, there is a Board Discussion and Vote to Reorganize (Elect Board Officers). According to Select Board policy, the board reorganizes after the local election and before Spring Town Meeting. The only board member not eligible under Select Board policy to hold the role of Chair is Mark Dockser. Mark’s terms expires in April of next year, leaving Carlo Bacci, Chris Haley and Karen Herrick eligible for that role. Of the 3 eligible board members, Carlo and Chris have never served as chair or vice-chair for their respective terms. Karen served as chair from April 2021- April 2022 and then vice-chair from April 2022-April 2023.
Afterwards, there is a discussion on adding a Conservation member to CPA Study Committee as well as a vote to appoint a Select Board member to said Committee. During their last Select Board meeting, the board voted 4-0 on creation of the 7-member CPA committee that included 2 spots for residents. The board had a preference that current or former Trails, Town Forest, or Conservation members seek those 2 vacancies.
The complete agenda is listed below:
- 7:00 Overview of Meeting
- 7:05 Executive Session: Purpose 2: Conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Selected Town Manager Candidate, Matthew Kraunelis
- 7:15 Vote to execute employment agreement with Matthew Kraunelis for the position of Town Manager
- 7:20 Public Comment
- 7:30 Board Discussion and Vote to Reorganize (Elect Board Officers)
- 7:45 Select Board liaison and Town Manager Reports
- 7:55 Discuss and vote on modification to CPA Study Committee membership to include member of Conservation Commission
- 8:05 Vote to appoint Select Board member to CPA Study Committee
- 8:15 Vote on Class II Application; License to sell secondhand motor vehicles for: Beat the Trade LLC, 26 Rocky Road
- 8:30 Discuss potential investigation into Board Conduct
- 9:00 Discuss Future Agendas
- 9:10 Approve Meeting Minutes
- 9:20 Executive Session: Purpose 3: To discuss strategy with respect to Koster v. Town of Reading (Appellate Tax Board (ATB) Docket No. F-350310) and Koster v. Town of Reading (ATB Docket No. F-350371).
- 9:40 Executive Session: Purpose 3: Discuss litigation strategy with respect to 179 Pearl Street, Davenport v. Town of Reading.
The 7:00PM meeting will take place in the Select Board meeting room at Town Hall. The public can attend in person or watch via several options: via a broadcast on RCTV’s YouTube channel at this link or on the RCTV Government Channel (Xfinity ch 22, Verizon ch 33). The Zoom link for this meeting is: