To catch you up on what has been happening, over the last 2 months there have been multiple meetings by ReCalc and Council on Aging relating to designs and sites for a possible senior/inter-generational center. These meetings have focused on seeing design and cost estimates, hearing abutter concerns, and for board members to do rankings of the potential sites, etc..
These are all culminating in what appears to be a joint site evaluation meeting tomorrow night (Weds 4/24) where they will combine and consider all feedback, where there is an ultimate goal to make a final set of site findings to the Select Board in the future.
My understanding is that this discussion will relate to factors associated with the preferred SITE for this center, not a recommendation on other factors, like whether it should have certain features, or be both an inter-generational and senior center or just senior center, etc. However, the site selected will help define the constraints that will apply to whatever can get built, so it is an important process step.
The meeting is being held on 4/24/2024 in the Select Board meeting Room, at 6:30 pm. If you have any final thoughts on the three possible sites (Oakland Road, Symonds Way, existing Pleasant St Center location) this is your chance to let these boards know; else it next goes to Select Board and you will have to make concerns known there.
Here is a link to the agenda with a zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4101 4406
Passcode: 679761
The RCTV link for YouTube is here.
If you want to flip through presentations showing possible layouts at each site, along with tradeoffs the consultant architects listed, the presentation at this link is probably the most thorough one: