The following was sent to us by a reader –
Dear Editor:
With just a little creative effort Mary Ellen O’Neill could have politely, if forcefully rebutted my recent letter to the editor commenting on the contentious tone of local politics in Reading without using my name. Yet, she apparently couldn’t resist making it personal despite my not mentioning anyone by name in my original commentary. Perhaps I still hit too close to home for some, just the same. Ms. O’Neil can rest assured I have no desire to go tit-for-tat with her or anyone in Reading. However, since she did mention my name and mischaracterize my personal politics, I do want to thank her for proving the point of my original letter better than I could have done so myself. I’ll turn the channel, now, away from Reading, as Ms. O’Neill helpfully suggested. But, before I grab the clicker, it seems worth saying again: Reading still deserves better.
David Mancuso
Formerly of Reading, now in Charlestown.