The following was sent to us by a reader –
I am curious to know if and when there will be a candidate forum for our local election on Tuesday April 8th? This is very important to me and others so that the Reading residents can meet and understand a little about the candidates.
I have checked websites of The Reading Post, RCTV Studios and that of Reading. Like most of the other major events that happen in this town annually, the Candidate Forum should be planned well in advance of the election. It seems that every year the planning starts just weeks before the election and appears rushed. That is not fair to the candidates or the residents of Reading.
I would like to propose a group be formed to address this issue and help plan for future Candidate Forums. We could get representatives from the Reading Democratic Committee, the Reading Republican Committee, the POP Huddle, One Reading and others if they would like to participate. Doing this would create a diverse group of involved residents. It would also make sure that Reading residents are in the loop.
Daniel Dewar
519Main St
Town Meeting Member – Precinct 3