The following was sent out to the campaign email addresses for all School Committee and Select Board candidates. These were the only two contested races for the April 8, 2025 local election.
Good morning candidates,
With RCTV and no other sources opting to hold a candidates’ forum this year, Reading Recap will be taking the initiative for the public to be informed about your campaigns. Our forum will take place at 2 Haven Street #301 and follow a similar format as prior forums.
There are two Recal public forums slated for this week on Tuesday 3/25 and Thursday 3/27, so those days are out. Please select one or more 1hr blocks in which you have availability on March 24, 26, or 28. Early voting most likely begins on March 29, so we are unable to accommodate dates after these.
A Doodle poll link will be sent out momentarily but here is the direct links for each forum: (removed)
Please reach out to with any questions or concerns. Thank you and hope to see you all soon!