Tonight at 7PM in the Select Board Meeting Room, the Conservation Commission will continuing their public hearing on the proposed MBTA turnback track from Vine to Willow Street. As a preview of things to come, last night’s Select Board meeting had numerous residents voicing their concerns with pollution, train idling (for roughly 1hr per change, up from 15min) and the bird sanctuary in the proposed new conservation area. Residents also questioned why the MBTA cannot use the additional tracks that already exist in the area by Ash Street to Subaru of Wakefield. Instead, the MBTA is proposing a similar setup in the back yards of residents as well as the local elderly housing authority as seen in the map below.
It’s the 3rd item on their agenda tonight, set for roughly the 8pm time-slot as follows:
Continue the Public Hearing on a Notice of Intent, filed by MBTA, Tess Paganelli Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 131, Section 40-the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the Reading Wetland protection By-law, Section 7.1, The applicant proposes construction of approximately 4,500 lineal feet of turn-back track adjacent to existing mainline track within the existing railroad right-of-way and existing railroad ballast. Portions of the work are within the Buffer Zone to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland. The application and plans can be viewed during regular business hours at the Town Hall Conservation Office, 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867, and on the Conservation Division page under the project by year, 0 Vine Street (from the Train Station to Willow Street), near Assessorβs Map 20, Lot 195 DEP File No. 270-0792.
Below is the complete notice of intent plan: