🍨 Dandilyons Ice Cream Final Day of the Season
We are excited (and somewhat sad at the same time) to share our last day deals. We hope to see you all today for our final day of the 2024…
🥡 Birch Meadow PTO Fundraiser Today at Mandarin
Does your family love Asian food? Do you dread figuring out what to make for dinner?! Why not take the night off from cooking and support the Birch PTO at the same time?! Today…
✏️ New Writing Class for Seniors
Discover the power and healing of creative writing: this ongoing class is designed for older adults who would like to explore their creativity through story-telling, novels, poetry, or short stories. Students will…
🤠 Sheriff Woody from Toy Story at Empower 11AM
We are super excited to announce that Sheriff Woody from Toy Story is visiting our store today at 11am. Please come and visit Woody, watch Toy Story on our big…
🥡 RMHS Drama Fundraiser Today at Mandarin
Please support the Reading Memorial High School (RMHS) Drama Club by dining at the Mandarin Reading Restaurant (296 Salem St, Reading) on Friday, November 1st from 5 to 9 pm.…
🤖 The RMHS Robockets – STEM Expo!
The RMHS Robockets Team is hosting a STEM Expo on Saturday, November 23rd from 1:30 to 3:30 PM at the Reading Public Library, and they invite you to come join…
🥡 Coolidge School PTO Fundraiser Today at Mandarin
Does your family love Asian food? Do you dread figuring out what to make for dinner? Why not take the night off from cooking and support the Coolidge Middle School PTO at…
🍨 Parker PTO Fundraiser Today at Fat Larry’s
Today from 12:30-5:30PM, help support the Parker Middle School PTO at Fat Larry's. Mention Parker when you order and 20% of your purchase goes to the Parker PTO. All ice…
🥡 Reading Community Singers Fundraiser Today at Mandarin
Support Reading Community Singers at Mandarin Reading Friday, October 25, 2024 from 11:30am – 10:00pm. Mandarin Restaurant will donate 20% of All Purchases — In Person or Take Out –…
💥 Comically Speaking Store-wide Sale
Today through this Sunday, Everything in the store WITH A GREEN PRICE STICKER WILL BE 25% OFF! EVERYTHING ELSE IS HALF-OFF!!! That means all of these trades & hardcovers are…