Latest Events News
Another Beer Garden Announced for August 20th
Town Manager, Fidel Maltez, announced at last nights Select Board meeting that after the success of the Town's first beer garden that a second one was planned for August 20th…
RPS Releases 2022-2023 District Calendar
The first day of school for K-12 begins on Wednesday, August 31st and the last day is Thursday, June 15th pending no snow days of course. In total, with breaks,…
Mosquito Control Spraying 7/27 – 7/28
The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project is planning to use a truck mounted aerosol sprayer to apply Zenivex E4 (EPA Reg No. 2724.807) at a rate of 1 oz per…
Beer Garden on the Common
On Saturday July 23rd from 2-8PM the Wandering Soul Beer Company, in conjunction with Friends of Reading Recreation, will be sponsoring a Beer Garden down at the Town Common. Live…