✍️ LTE: Vote from “First Principles” on May 14th
The following was sent to us by a reader - Clearly, I have some bias here, given that Melissa Murphy is my wife of nearly 17 years. We have been…
✍️ LTE: The Reason for this Election
The following was sent to us by a reader - Dear Editor, A few weeks ago, an LTE was published that had everyone talking. It's opening paragraph ended with this…
✍️ LTE: Please Join Me in Voting for Melissa Murphy
With the upcoming election to fill the remaining time in Jackie McCarthy‘s Select Board term, I’m looking for a candidate who exhibits similar qualities as Jackie. I am looking for…
✍️ LTE: The Molting of A Community, The Point of No Return
May 14th cometh!! Whether you’re a diehard conservative, an independent, a discerning moderate, or an uncommitted liberal, we need your vote to help get MELISSA MURPHY elected to the Reading Select…
✍️ LTE: Vote for Melissa, A Mom for Select Board
If you haven’t been paying attention to the local governmental meetings, well let me just say that things have become a bit tense. My solution, elect Melissa Murphy, mother of…
✍️ LTE: Making MBTA Communities Work for Reading
Dear members of the Reading community, I was heartened to see that the instructional motion proposing guidelines to limit MBTA Communities-compliant zoning changes failed to pass Town Meeting on Monday…
✍️ LTE: 8 Town Meeting Minutes That Will Solidify Your Special Election Choice
Dear Editor, I write today in order to express my strong support for Melissa Murphy, candidate for Reading’s Select Board. Of the two candidates running for the vacant seat on…
✍️ LTE: Community Meeting/Forum Tax Implications
Dear Reading Residents, At the April 9th Select Board meeting I asked the Select Board to schedule and organize a community meeting/forum with the appropriate boards and committees to keep…
✍️ LTE: Were We Watching the Same Meeting?
Dear Editor, I am writing in response to John Lippitt’s LTE about the most recent Reading Select Board meeting, posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 by the Reading Post. Mr.…
✍️ LTE: Select Board Reorganization; Passover & Town Meeting Issue
Dear Reading Recap: Please consider the following LTE, which is a copy of an email I just sent to the Reading Select Board. Dear Select Board:I hope that when the…