✍️ LTE: Select Board Reorganization; Passover & Town Meeting Issue
Dear Reading Recap: Please consider the following LTE, which is a copy of an email I just sent to the Reading Select Board. Dear Select Board:I hope that when the…
✍️ LTE: Chris Haley – Above and Beyond for the Town of Reading
Dear editor and Reading voters: It would be impossible in a letter of readable length to convey what a workhorse Chris Haley has been for the town of Reading, both…
✍️ LTE: Why you Should Vote for my Dad
Why you should vote for my dad: He is a very understanding person and wants to help out the town. He puts others first before himself and wants to help…
✍️ LTE: Dana Guarino: The BEST Person, The BEST Time, The BEST for Reading
As we approach the upcoming local town elections on March 5, I enthusiastically join the chorus of town residents voicing their support for Dana Guarino, who is seeking a seat…
✍️ LTE: Tara for Select Board
Dear Editor and fellow Reading residents: I am writing in support of Select Board candidate Tara Gregory. Recently I have had the opportunity to get to know Tara and learn…
✍️ LTE: Important Questions we Should be Asking of our School Committee Candidates
To My Fellow Constituents, I recently had an opportunity to watch the televised “Town Hall” where each of the present candidates for Reading’s School Committee stated their case to the…
✍️ LTE: Experience is the Essential Element for Excellence in Public Service
It gives me great pleasure to submit this letter of support on behalf of Chris Haley’s candidacy for Re-Election to the Reading Select Board. Fortunately for Reading voters, after viewing…
✍️ LTE: I Have had the Privilege of Knowing Dana Guarino
Reading Voters: I have had the privilege of knowing Dana Guarino for the past 28 years. Dana has been classmate, coworker, teammate, health care provider, advisor, and friend of…
✍️ LTE: In Support of Tara Gregory, Shawn Brandt, & Sarah McLaughlin
Dear Editor and fellow Reading residents, I’m writing today in support of Tara Gregory for Select Board and in support of Shawn Brandt and Sarah McLaughlin for School Committee in…
✍️ LTE: Chris Haley – Dedicated to Improving Reading
Dear Editor – I have had the Maya Angelou quote “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” rattling around in my head for the last…