✍️ LTE: Dana Guarino for School Committee
My name is Michael Guarino, and I am currently a Special Education Teacher and a Special Education Academy Lead at Minuteman High School. I grew up in Reading where I…
✍️ LTE: Running for Town Meeting in Precinct 2
My name is Boriana Milenova and I am running for Reading Town Meeting in Precinct 2. I moved to Reading on New Year's Day in 2005 after living in Boston…
✍️ LTE: On the Ballot in Precinct 7 Thanks to Chris Haley & Laura Gemme
I would like to announce my candidacy for a 3-year term as a Reading Town Meeting Member in Precinct 7. First, I should acknowledge that although I had collected the…
✍️ LTE: Letter to the Editor
Off-the-rails, despicable, unhinged - which adjective to choose to describe Select Board member Chris Haley’s performance at the February 17th meeting of the Select Board? I can’t decide - all…
✍️ LTE: Chris Haley for Select Board – And Transparency!
Three years ago, Chris Haley, a newcomer to Reading Politics, ran for and won a Select Board seat. Last year, one of the graduating Seniors at my son’s high school…
✍️ LTE: Do We Need to Fact Check LTE’s?
This letter is in response to John Lippett’s LTE about the town manager search, posted on Sunday Feb 11, 2024 by the Reading Post. It was concerning on several levels.…
✍️ LTE: Dana Guarino for School Committee
My wife and I moved to Reading in 1995, living in a small 3-bedroom home on B St. Our next-door neighbors, Tom and Tina Guarino, welcomed us into the community…
✍️ LTE: Shawn Brandt Response to LTE
I was upset and embarrassed to see this morning’s letter to the editor from Alicia and Seth Williams. The sign was pulled from that home immediately and I am sorry…
✍️ LTE: Endorsing a Convicted Felon
Dear Editor I was hoping that we, as a town, had moved on from 2021’s unredacted emails incident. Our children’s personally identifiable medical information was released via a public records…
✍️ LTE: In Support of MBTA Communities Alternative Plan
CPDC, Town Planners, Town Meeting members, and members of the Community at Large, I attended the December 18 CPDC meeting to learn more about the MBTA Communities law and Reading’s…