✍️ LTE: Seeking Transparency in Town Government
On Monday night Town Meeting was asked to approve a request by the Select Board totaling $900k to enable DPW to purchase new rubbish and recycling carts for distribution to…
✍️ LTE: Thank You For Your Support
Dear Reading Residents, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest gratitude for the incredible support I received during my recent campaign for the Select Board and the…
✍️ LTE: Hello Reading residents, My Name is Sarah Bacci
Hello Reading residents, My name is Sarah Bacci, and I’m the middle daughter of Carlo Bacci. I’m coming to you to encourage you and to ask for your vote for…
✍️ LTE: The Fearmongers are Back: It Must be Election Season in Reading
It happens every election. A few years back the catcalls were about the tea-party, then there was labeling people Tumpers. Now the Reading rumor mill is churning out accusations about…
✍️ LTE: Herrick, Bacci, Murphy & the Truth about our Tax Policy
To the Editor, This letter is in response to a rebuttal letter by Casey Moulton. https://thereadingpost.com/2023/03/31/lte-consideration-for-the-impact-on-small-businesses/ The original tax letter she unsuccessfully tries to refute is this, submitted by a…
✍️ LTE: Support of Brian Curry for Board of Library Trustees
My name is Paul Koslowski, and I am writing in support of the candidacy of Brian Curry to the Board of Library Trustees. I have been friends with Brian for…
✍️ LTE: Consideration for the Impact on Small Businesses
Recently, there was a LTE published that discussed Reading's residential property taxes, the impact of the split tax rate on Reading and the Select Board election. The letter stated "For…
✍️ LTE: Qualities a Leader of this Town Should Have
When I think about what and who should represent the Reading residents on the Select Board, the first thing that comes to my mind is the qualities a leader of…
✍️ LTE: Supporting Brian Curry for Board of Library Trustees
My name is Ann Marie Massaro and I am writing in support of the candidacy of Brian Curry for the Board of Library Trustees. I have known Brian his entire…
✍️ LTE: Bacci, Murphy, McCarthy, Dockser & Haley
I was once like many of you reading this. I’d drive through downtown, see people holding signs in the rain, and beep and wave. All the while, I was hoping…