✍️ LTE: Melissa Murphy for Select Board
Dear Reading Neighbors and Friends, It is with great excitement and hope that I am writing this letter in support of Melissa Murphy for Select Board. My name is Eileen…
✍️ LTE: A Choice Leadership or Grievance for Select Board
Dear Reading neighbors, If you want to see the true colors of Select Board candidates Carlo Bacci and Melissa Murphy on display, watch the RCTV candidates forum. This is an…
✍️ LTE: 8 Million Dollar Lie
Last night at the RCTV forum, it was asked of Karen Herrick how she secured (herself) 8 million dollar grants as stated on her political mailer. She didn’t answer. She told us…
✍️ LTE: What A LTE Got Wrong & a Candidate Gets Right
I was very troubled to see the recent LTE by Genady Pilyavsky, misstating some campaign positions of Select Board candidate Melissa Murphy, falsely accusing her of spreading misinformation, and wrongly…
✍ LTE: Know your Audience, literally
Dear Editor These letters to the editor in the last few days calling out abhorrent and juvenile behavior makes me shake my head. There is a saying “know your…
LTE: Letter to Editor, Select Board & Town Council
Dear Ms. Fried and Select Board, Over the past few years, I have watched as one Select Board member’s behavior has been nothing shy of unprofessional. On Friday, October 14th,…
LTE: Veterans Memorial Fund
Below is a transcribed copy of a letter William Brown had sent. The picture above is not the referenced memorial. The particular memorial will be black granite from Vermont unveiled…
LTE: Thank You Reading
Because of our incredible community and volunteers, Dunk the Readings at the Fall Street Faire, was able to raise a grand total of $1704 split between the Reading Rotary and…
LTE: Cell Phone Coverage Problems
If you drive or live in the northern part of Reading, you are painfully aware that cell phone coverage, reception, dropped calls, and usage is extremely limited or non existent.…