🌲Christmas Tree Pickup Delayed
via the Town of Reading - Republic Services has informed the Town that Christmas tree pickup will NOT begin today (Monday, 1/8/24) as they focus on trash and recycling following…
🌲Christmas Tree Pickup Info
Christmas trees will be picked up curbside next week: January 8th – 12th with your normal trash. Alternatively, you will be able to drop them off at the Compost Center…
⚠️ Household Hazardous Waste Day
Today, Saturday November 4th, is Household Hazardous Waste Day. From 8:30 am – 12:30 pm at Wakefield Memorial High School, 60 Farm Street. TV’s and CRT’s are not collected at…
🚮 Trash & Recycling Public Forum Tonight
It's time to talk some trash! Come visit with the Town Manager and learn about the future of trash collection and changes the town is preparing to make. Tuesday September…
🚒 24th Annual Vehicle Day Tomorrow 7:30-9AM
It’s the 24th annual Vehicle Day, August 8th from 7:30AM - 9:00AM! Come see all of the amazing vehicles that make Reading so exciting! Stop by the library parking lot,…
⚠️ Household Hazardous Waste Day
Today, Saturday June 3rd, is Household Hazardous Waste Day. From 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at the DPW Garage, 75 Newcrossing Rd. TV’s and CRT’s are not collected at this…
⚙️ Curbside Metal Pickup TOMORROW ONLY 5/12
On Friday, May 12th, please place out any scrap metal curbside by 6:00AM even if it is not your regularly scheduled trash day. Below is an alphabetical list of acceptable…
🌱 Earth Day Composting
Earth Day action: Turn your spoils to soil! Looking for a way to celebrate and protect the environment this Earth Day? Try food-waste composting--it’s easy, and a good way to…
🚮 Trash & Recycling Public Forum Tonight
It's time to talk some trash! Assistant DPW Director, Chris Cole, will be giving a presentation about the proposed new trash and recycling barrels for town residents. Come listen and…
🚰 Water Main Break on Haven Resolved
Last night around 4:15PM, there was a water main break at the intersection of Haven St and Gould St. The Water Division and DPW workers quickly mobilized and made the…