🗳️ Election 2025 as of March 18th

• If you would like to submit your picture, bio, or links for any of the positions below, please scroll down to our election info form below for details.

• Please click on any of the positions below to expand the candidates for that area.

• All candidates named below are written in the order they are printed on the ballots.

• To find your corresponding precinct number, please check the towns address chart here.

Alan E Foulds
Candidate for Re-election
Melissa Lee Murphy
Canididate for re-election

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for reelection to the Select Board.  I have kept my commitment to the voters by collaborating to address important town issues. I have prioritized responsible spending, advocated for reasonable compliance with state mandates, supported various community initiatives, and, most importantly, promoted moderation to restore balance on our Select Board. Serving our community has been a privilege, and I look forward to continuing our work together. For more information, please visit www.melissaforreading.com

Christopher R. Cook
Grove Street

I am excited to announce my candidacy for election to the Select Board.  My family and I are newer residents of Reading, and we were drawn to this town because of its strong sense of community, excellent schools, and vibrant local businesses. Combining my experience from both the banking industry and state public service, I will bring strong fiscal acumen to the Select Board. I am dedicated to keeping Reading a thriving, welcoming community for all, and committed to open communication.

Anthony DArezzo
John Street

I’m a candidate for election to the Select Board, running to provide concrete solutions to concrete problems. Those who have worked with me in Town Meeting or on the CPDC, know I consider what is best for the entire community. I have a proven record of working to keep our town functioning and moving forward, never seeking fanfare or glory. My goal is to work to restore integrity, transparency and accountability to the Select Board. I’m grateful for your consideration.

Karen Rose-Gillis
Linden Street

I am delighted to run for a seat on the Select Board! I am a thoughtful, analytical and logical decision maker; an active listener; and am committed to be a catalyst between the Board, Town Departments and Committees, and Reading’s residents. I thoroughly enjoyed serving on PARC and look forward to serving with you to handle the important issues that are facing our town now, and in the future. Thank you for your consideration on April 8th!

Patrick T Egan
Candidate for Re-election
Kelli R. Bacon
Pearl Street
David A. Talbot
Canididate for re-election
Adam R. Swanson
Summer Avenue
Thomas F. Wise
Candidate for re-election
Lara Durgavich
Kensington Avenue

Lara Durgavich, a 10-year Reading resident, is running for School Committee this spring. Dr. Durgavich has a PhD in anthropology from Boston University and has worked as an award-winning Lecturer at Harvard University, Boston University, and Tufts University. Lara also has two children in Reading public schools: a 7th grader at Parker and a 4th grader at Joshua Eaton. Lara is eager to join School Committee to support RPS goals of diversity, inclusivity, and academic rigor.

Dana Guarino
Holly Road

Dear Reading Community,

I’m Dana Guarino, running for Reading School Committee on April 8th, 2025. As a lifelong Reading resident, father, and Physician’s Assistant, I am committed to improving our schools. I support revamping Killam School, transitioning to full-day Fridays, and addressing educational disparities. I believe in helping parents navigate Special Education and supporting all students’ success. My goal is to ensure our schools provide students with the skills needed to thrive in today’s world.

John Arena
Candidate for re-election

I’m running for Town Meeting to provide thoughtful, common-sense oversight to town spending, financial planning and policy decisions. Positions Held:
Current Town Meeting member, Current Community Planning and Development Committee member, Former Finance Committee member, Former Select Board member.

Salvatore Bramante
Candidate for re-election

I’ve lived in Reading for 35+ years & graduated from Reading High in 91. I’m married with 4 kids 2 are currently in the RPS system and 2 have graduated. I have about 20 family members who live in Reading and I’m very interested in the town. I’m currently on the Reading Board of Health. I’ve owned three businesses and I’m now the VP of operations of a 300-million-dollar company. 

Linda Snow Dockser
Candidate for re-election
Mark Dockser
Candidate for re-election
Diana Halsey
Candidate for re-election

I am a current Town Meeting Member up for re-election in April. My husband and I have lived in Reading for 36 years. Two of our three children graduated from Reading High School. I am running again to provide input on how our tax dollars will be spent and which projects make sense in our current economic environment. I would appreciate your support again!

John Halsey
Candidate for re-election
Michael Holmes
Charles Street

I am a lifelong Reading resident, veteran, and career Reading Firefighter who has seen exponential growth and change in our town. I have been paying close attention to the projects and issues affecting taxpayers and want to help provide a safe and affordable community using a fiscally responsible, common sense approach. I believe it is time for me to step up and offer to represent precinct 1 at Town Meeting. I appreciate your consideration at the polls.

Carla Nazzaro
Candidate for re-election

I am running for re-election to Town Meeting to continue advocating for careful and fiscally responsible town spending and savings.  I am the current Chair of the Killam School Building Committee and a School Committee Member. My husband, Michael and I have four children and have lived in town for almost 20 years.

Michael Nazzaro
Lawrence Road
My wife and I have lived in Reading for 20 years and raised four children here. I am a construction project manager on the owners side and I have followed the issues in the schools and the town. I’m a current associate member of the Permanent Building Committee and I am concerned with increasing costs in town services. I would like to provide my perspective on these and other issues.
Paula J. Perry
Candidate for re-election
Paul Silva
Autumn Lane
Brian Curry
Haverhill Street
Matthew Digby
Winter Street
Denise M. Iozzo
Candidate for re-election
Karen Janowski
Candidate for re-election

As a 35+ year resident of Reading, I’ve served on various boards, including two terms on the School Committee, and currently chair the Council on Aging. I’m running for reelection to Town Meeting because I believe in keeping politics local and focused on what’s best for Reading. I’m committed to serving our community and ensuring fiscally responsible governance. I’d be honored to continue representing you and appreciate your support.

Carolyn L. Johnson
Candidate for re-election
Ann M. Klein
Carnation Circle
Jessica Noble-Gibbs
Candidate for re-election
John Parsons
Candidate for re-election
Jeffrey Pierce
Pearl Street
Reading has many important decisions to make that effect the citizens of the town both financially and with the physical landscape of the town. I have been a volunteer in the town in other endeavors for 25 years and now would like to part of the process that makes decisions that shape our town’s future. I currently serve as the President of Reading Babe Ruth (20 yrs) and President of the RMHS Athletic HOF (10 yrs).
John A. Sasso
Candidate for re-election

As a 30+ year Reading Resident (20+ years’ service on Town Meeting and other boards and committees), I have dedicated my efforts to putting the priorities of Reading Residents first, with an eye toward common sense solutions. I’ve fought against State overreach and advocated for things that benefit the whole community. I will continue to analyze Town spend and budgets to ensure we are addressing the needs of the community in a fiscally responsible manner. Thank you for your consideration.

Emily Sisson
Candidate for re-election

I hope to continue serving our community with a focus on responsible budgeting and effective use of taxpayer dollars. I’ve served multiple terms as a Town Meeting Member, participated on the Finance Committee since 2022, and served another eight years on the Recreation Committee. With a moderate and pragmatic approach, I aim to ensure Reading residents get the most value from their taxes. Your support is appreciated!

Matthew Morgan Steir
Winter Street

Husband and father of 2 kids at Killam. Son of proud Dorchester folks and small biz owners that fought their way out to give me a better life in NH. Software executive turned blue-collar business consultant and entrepreneur. Proud moderate conservative that will fight to keep our large town a TOWN, and not let radicals turn it into a small city. Woburn and Burlington WANT to become cities. We have plenty of small cities.

Nancy S. Tawadros
Candidate for re-election

I’ve been a Reading resident for over 20 years. I am currently serving a three year term on Town Meeting, I served two years on the Council on Aging, and currently volunteer at the Pleasant Street Center.
During my term, I’ve been active in diving deeply into the issues affecting this town. My priority will always be the will of Reading residents, and doing my part to ensure fiscal responsibility and transparency from our Town officials.

Douglas A. Bruce
Candidate for re-election
Sheila M. Bruce
Candidate for re-election
Charlie J. Burke
Main Street
Laura M. Fusco
Candidate for re-election
Kathleen Harrington
Summit Drive
Maureen Hurley
Candidate for re-election
Ron Powell
South Street

I’m a finance project manager with nearly 30 years’ experience directing multi-million dollar capital projects. With experience that allows me to offer meaningful insight, I hope to contribute to the success of important Town initiatives. As a 24-year Reading resident and former FinCom member, I’m committed to fiscally sound choices. My project management background can help prevent costly missteps—like the kiosk rollout last fall—and ensure wise spending of taxpayer dollars. I’d be honored to earn your vote.

Melissa E. Talal
Summit Drive
Judy Neely Coltman
Milton Road
Eric Gaffen
Candidate for Re-election
Erin E. Gaffen
Candidate for Re-election
Dana Guarino
Holly Road
Krissandra Homes
Red Gate Lane
Emily G. James
Candidate for Re-election
Stephen R. Leahy
Virginia Road

My wife and I have lived in town for 36 years where we raised our family. I am interested in ensuring our town spends taxpayer dollars wisely. I would appreciate your vote on April 8th.

Laura A. Noonan
Pennsylvania Avenue
Karin E. Whitelam
Candidate for Re-election
Thomas F. Wise
Candidate for Re-election
Vanessa I. Alvarado
Candidate for re-election
Jonathan E. Barnes
Candidate for re-election
Dennis M. Dorandi
Green Street
• Long time Reading resident, home owner • Married three children raised in Reading • Marine veteran  • Follow town issues
TM concerns: •Killam School •Senior Center •Town Budget, Property Taxes • State influence on Town Zoning • Downtown Area and Parking
Reading is a great community together we can keep it that way. On April 8th I’m asking for your vote for TM. Thank You
James Fitzgerald
Sunnyside Avenue
Christine T. Lusk
Candidate for re-election
Eileen A. Manning
Candidate for re-election
Diane S. Naczas
Victoria Avenue

Hello, my name is Diane Naczas. I have resided in Reading for 15 years. My husband and I have raised our two daughters here and have always been involved in all aspects of town issues. I am interested in keeping Reading fiscally responsible and transparent. I was active in all of the school PTOs. I would appreciate your vote in Precinct 5 to help our town government run efficiently and effectively. Thank you.

Karen Rose-Gillis
Linden Street
Julie C. Ross
Candidate for re-election
Justin M. Scott
Candidate for re-election
David Talbot
Candidate for re-election
Robert Weiden
Sandborn Street

Let me introduce myself, my name is Bob Weiden and I am running for Town Meeting in Precinct 5. I am a 20-year resident and current member of the Recreation Committee. I’ve also been on the Reading Little League Board of Directors for the past 8 years. I hope you will consider voting for me on April 8th. Thank you!

Kenneth Young
Mt Vernon Street
Linda C. Ananian
Berkeley Street
James Bonazoli
Grove Street
John J. Federico
Grove Street
Gabriella G. Gaceffa
Grove Street
Peter MacDonnell
West Hill Circle
Lindsey B. McCarthy
Candidate for re-election
Cheryl A. Moschella
County Road

I am running for a Town Meeting position because I care deeply about the future of Reading. With 20 years of experience as a Real Estate Appraiser and having served as a former Board of Assessor member, I have the expertise and dedication to contribute effectively. As an 8-year resident of this wonderful town, I’m committed to ensuring our community thrives and continues to grow in a sustainable and thoughtful manner. Your vote means a brighter future for everyone in Reading!

John O’Neil Jr.
Candidate for re-election
Marianne R. Tompkins
Candidate for re-election
Elinor E. Actipis
Longfellow Road

Hello! I’m a content strategist, the mom of two boys, and am involved with the Birch Meadow PTO and Coolidge School Council. As your Town Meeting member, I commit to researching the issues, hearing all sides, soliciting feedback, and sharing digestible information via a blog. I believe in transparency and fiscal responsibility.

Carl F. Anderson III
Candidate for re-election
Christopher R. Cook
Grove Street
Geoffery Coram
Candidate for re-election
Marcel Dubois
Willow Street

As a 24-year Reading Resident, having raised a family and stewarded children through the school system and a myriad of local community activities and organizations, I’m ready to step back into Town Meeting. I previously served 3 terms on Town Meeting, and 1 term on the by-law committee. My experience with RCTV (former President) gave me the opportunity to gain exposure to municipal government, schools and the community as a whole.

Amanda Haley
Tennyson Road

My name is Amanda Haley. I’m first a mother of 2 girls and the proud wife of Select Board member, Chris Haley. I’m the current Chair of the Coolidge PTO and a member of the PAIR Committee. We plan to raise our girls throughout their high school years here in Reading. I will make fiscally responsible decisions to support sustainable growth in our community. I’m asking for your vote on Tuesday, April 8th.

Christopher Haley
Tennyson Road

My name is Christopher Haley, a Reading resident for 17 years. I am a father of two amazing girls, and I have a loving wife. I am a local small business owner on Haven Street.  I live in Reading, I work in Reading, I eat lunch in Reading, and I sleep in Reading. I am for what is in the best interest of our small town and would love to understand your concerns and earn your support.

Ryan S. Johnstone
Lowell Street
Timothy P. Kirwan
Hanscom Ave
Jacqueline R. McCarthy
Candidate for re-election
Brian Paulsen
John Carver

My name is Brian Paulsen, 17 year Reading resident and stay at home dad of 4 kids ranging from 5-16. I’m an independent thinker who wants nothing but the best for our town and will stand up for what’s right. I kindly ask for your vote on Tuesday April 8th.

Erin E. Tierney
Candidate for re-election
Amy B. Ward
Beacon Street
Corrin M. Wolf
Grove Street
Richard Abate
Apple Gate Lane
Elizabeth A. Blumin
Marla Lane
Christopher M. Calebrese
Deborah Drive
Maria E. Capone
Forest Street

My husband and I moved to Reading in 2013. We have four children that all attended RPS. We moved here from Medford where we both owned and operated our family floral business. After 29 years, I still work in that business but I’ve also worked in real estate management and development. I strongly feel that these skills will serve me well as a Town Meeting Member.

Frank Capone
Forest Street
Joseph C. Harrington
Franklin Terrace
Margaret M. Harrington
Franklin Terrace
Melissa Lee Murphy
Candidate for re-election
Stephen W. Pruitt
Bethune Avenue
Kevin Sexton
Candidate for re-election
Alicia F. Williams
Candidate for re-election

Alicia Williams is a 14-year resident on Marla Lane.  She is also a small business owner with a fiscal conservative outlook. She has volunteered her photography for various town projects in Reading. With 20 years of owning a small business, Alicia focuses on making town-based decisions that benefit taxpayers, aiming to keep more money in their pockets. Her voting record on town meeting reflects that.

Election Info

• All candidates may submit a head shot, any social media or website links, an email address and an 80 words or less intro that will be featured in their profile. If a candidate does not submit any information, only their name above will be shown. Please fill out the form below or email election@readingrecap.com with the aforementioned details.

• Each non-town-meeting candidate can submit up to 3 campaign announcements and 2 videos to be hosted on our social media channels over the course of their campaign. There is no limit on Letters to the Editor by non-candidates for any position.

• Each non-town-meeting candidate will be sent a candidate profile questionnaire, that will be published in the order in which they are received, 2 weeks prior to the election. Each questionnaire will be identical for incumbents and similar for non-incumbents.

• The above criteria will be used for all future elections.

Please select your precinct number.
Please select the position you are running for.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
For social media or website links and an optional < 80 word introduction as to why you are running.