Letter to the Editor Reading Recap

Reading Recap’s letters to the editor are a collection of reader opinions, representing a wide range of perspectives on current issues. Personal attacks are not allowed. Constructive criticism is welcomed in a respectful manner. Reading Recap reserves the right to not publish any letters received.  Join the discussion by emailing Editor@ReadingRecap.com and please include your name and address. Political advertisements are not allowed.

Any LTE’s prior to 2/22/24 may be removed under this policy change by the individual(s) emailing editor@ReadingRecap.com for consideration.

Latest LTE's

✍️ LTE: Dedicated, focused, reliable, trust-worthy, ethical, tireless… Tom Wise

The following was sent to us by a reader - This letter is in support of Tom Wise for re-election School Committee. We have known…


✍️ LTE: Vote Tom Wise for School Committee

The following was sent to us by a reader -  I have been a resident and homeowner in Reading since 2006. This is the same…


✍️ LTE: Candidate Forum

The following was sent to us by a reader - I am curious to know if and when there will be a candidate forum for…


✍️ LTE: MBTA Turnaround and go back to Maura

The following was sent to us by a reader - The MBTA is drowning in debt (which is a moving number depending where you look),…


✍️ LTE: Reading Center for Active Living Recommendations

The following was sent to us by a reader - Reading Select Board and members of the Community at large: First, I just wanted to…


✍️ LTE: MBTA Second Rail Turn Back Track

The following was sent to us by a reader - Dear Editor, We would like to make you aware of our strong opposition to the…
