Reading Recap’s letters to the editor are a collection of reader opinions, representing a wide range of perspectives on current issues. Personal attacks are not allowed. Constructive criticism is welcomed in a respectful manner. Reading Recap reserves the right to not publish any letters received. Join the discussion by emailing and please include your name and address. Political advertisements are not allowed.
Any LTE’s prior to 2/22/24 may be removed under this policy change by the individual(s) emailing for consideration.
The following was sent to us by a reader - This letter is in support of Tom Wise for re-election School Committee. We have known…
The following was sent to us by a reader - I have been a resident and homeowner in Reading since 2006. This is the same…
The following was sent to us by a reader - I am curious to know if and when there will be a candidate forum for…
The following was sent to us by a reader - The MBTA is drowning in debt (which is a moving number depending where you look),…
The following was sent to us by a reader - Reading Select Board and members of the Community at large: First, I just wanted to…
The following was sent to us by a reader - Dear Editor, We would like to make you aware of our strong opposition to the…
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