✍️ LTE: Stay on Point
Dear EditorHow did the Pride Story time, LGBT community and DEI office…
✍️ LTE: Why Don’t We Care?
Dear Editor, I recently attended the Board of Library Trustees meeting (BOLT)…
✍️ LTE: Seeking Transparency in Town Government
On Monday night Town Meeting was asked to approve a request by…
✍️ LTE: Thank You For Your Support
Dear Reading Residents, I wanted to take a moment to express my…
✍️ LTE: Hello Reading residents, My Name is Sarah Bacci
Hello Reading residents, My name is Sarah Bacci, and I’m the middle…
✍️ LTE: The Fearmongers are Back: It Must be Election Season in Reading
It happens every election. A few years back the catcalls were about…
✍️ LTE: Herrick, Bacci, Murphy & the Truth about our Tax Policy
To the Editor, This letter is in response to a rebuttal letter…
✍️ LTE: Support of Brian Curry for Board of Library Trustees
My name is Paul Koslowski, and I am writing in support of…
✍️ LTE: Consideration for the Impact on Small Businesses
Recently, there was a LTE published that discussed Reading's residential property taxes,…
✍️ LTE: Qualities a Leader of this Town Should Have
When I think about what and who should represent the Reading residents…